20 Mantel Decor Ideas For The Holidays
Lucky enough to sit by a fire with a good book and somehot chocolatethis holiday season? There are so many ways to make your mantel festive and part of your home decor, from Thanksgiving (hold on to those pumpkins!) through the winter holiday season. It’s also one of those home projects that doesn’t take a lot of effort: a little garland here, some candleholders there, a mirror or two, and if you’re feeling playful, some pops of color.
“Symmetry is essential to achieving a focal point on your holiday mantel,” says Jill Croka of Tulsa-based Jill Croka Designs. Jill also recommends bringing in natural elements to incorporate life, color, and warmth into the interior space. Think flowers, greenery, wood, and other objects found in nature. Finally, you want your mantel decor to look like it fits in with the rest of the house. If you’re a little bit country, repeat elements on your mantel that reflect your style too. Here are some inspiring mantel decor ideas from around the web for Thanksgiving and the winter holiday season. Merry, merry!
Think beyond red and green, says Jess Weeth of Delaware-based Weeth Home. Instead, she suggests hints of blue. “There’s something about the chic contrast of deep blue against fresh evergreens that feels like pure winter magic,” she says. “I love putting shades of navy, indigo, and Prussian blue into rich fabrics like velvet and jacquards for the holidays. Also, great for pillows or even a pretty bow on your garland or wreath.”
We love these blue and cream pumpkins for your next Friendsgiving, courtesy of Jane at Home.
How fun and playful is the vintage airmail art above this mantel? We love the DIY floral arrangement on the stocking too.
Bottlebrush trees are always in style and give the sweetest holiday touch.
This color palette for late fall is simply gorgeous.
Etsy Eucalyptus Garland (109+)
This faux eucalyptus garland is perfect for the fireplace mantel or holiday table, and can easily be draped onto a stairway banister. Bonus: It will last for many seasons.
More pumpkins! We love the contrast of a black mantel with neutral pumpkins here.
Swoon over that sleigh. We’re obsessed with this mantel’s cute vintage vibe.
For a non-working fireplace, fill it with wood! And lots of greenery — so pretty.
That tree… whoa. Go full-on color for a totally fun look.
Dramatic garlands are so pretty. Birch wood is also a nice touch.
Add texture with lot of faux fur and wooly knits.
String cranberries, lights, and even pampas grass for a fluffy feeling.
Knit stockings tucked to the side with a simple string of beads is elegant and cozy at the same time.
We love the old stack of books here to give added texture and height.
The asymmetrical garland is really dramatic and beautiful.
Here’s a neutral but a bit more modern look over a marble fireplace.
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