Your House Will Thank You For These Quick Home Repair Products
By Wendi Banks 2 years agoThere is a certain feeling of accomplishment that comes with DIY home repair. Saving money is part of it, but there is something more satisfying than just that. It gives me a sense of control (but also a bit of anxiety…am I right?).
From drywall kits and tile kits, to simple wood stain markers, these simple home prevention and repair products will help you feel accomplished without the fear of messing it up!
You will love our editor’s curated product picks! FYI: We are an Amazon affiliate partner and may get a share of the sale of your purchase (at no cost to you).
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The Filler You Didn’t Know You Wanted

Okay, cheeky headline but you it is way past time to fix all those cracks in your driveway and back yard patio. I’m sure someone gave you a silly quote to come and fix it, if you got a quote at all. With so many other things to worry about those tiny cracks just don’t feel top priority. This crazy easy, good to go, cement crack filler is cheaper than most bottles of shampoo and is impossible to mess up. Plus, it’ll give you a fast and easy win you need today!
Boys Will Be Boys Dry Wall Kit

I grew up in a house where my parents had 3 teenage boys at one time. My dad was constantly patching the dry wall, in between episodes of CSI and grounding us for what felt like the 15th time in a month. This fast and easy dry wall kits work even if you don’t have live in vandals. Those towel racks are constantly coming out of the wall right?! Just keep a can of your wall’s color of paint and you’re good to go.
That Weird Hexagon Screw You See Everywhere Tool

The Allen wrench multitool is a must if you want to repair little odds and ends. From your bike handles, bookshelves, bed frames, and dining room chair legs. This affordable tool has you covered to tighten those weird hexagon shaped screws and bolts. I know, why can’t they just use a Phillips? But, here we are. Pick one up, you’ll definitely use it.
The Drain Covers That Plumbers Hate

Soft, flat, small holed drain covers should be in every major sink and tub in your house. Not just because I’m trying to sell you them. But, because it stops your hair, your kids hair, and your dog/cats hair from going down the drain. Hair is the number one reason your drains get clogged, and why the 4th bottle of Draino you’ve tried isn’t working. No hair, no clog…… Most likely!
Ditch The Lent Trash Can For A Hose

We all hate doing it. Cleaning the lent filter with your hands. Then throwing it in the dedicated trash can. No matter how well you do it. Lent still flies up in the air and gets everywhere. Plus, you’re definitely breathing it. Get one of these lent vacuum hoses. It’s got built in hardware specifically to prevent clogs, unlike the stock hose. Making sure you get it all out and don’t have to swing around a lent roller like a light saber.
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Featured deals
The best deals selected by the 22 Words
team for you.
Rain Proof Your Patio Furniture

Flex Seal spray is beasty! No matter what you do you cant keep your patio furniture from looking 100 years older than what it is, or look like you need a tetanus shot every time you sit down. Flex seal gives it an almost rubber coating keeping rust and water damage away! Not a fan of white? Hit it with spray paint after the flex seal dries!
The Easiest Toilet Fix For The Most Common Problem

Ever heard a noisy every running broken toilet? You lift the the heavy ceramic top lid to find a system of stuff you don’t know the names of? Hoping that all you have to do is close that little rubber flap thing? This is your kit! The Fluidmaster kit replaces all the major parts that malfunction in your toilet and cost next to nothing. The instructions are easy to follow, no plumber needed. Get the cheapest price on amazon!
Replace Your Abused Garbage Disposal

The most expensive thing on this list. A garbage disposal. It gets even more expensive when you pay someone to do this very easy job for you. First, on the bottom of your current disposal there should be a red button that resets the unit. If after you have cleaned and reset your disposal and it still doesn’t work? Time to get a new one. This one from Amazon is the most affordable one I found with good reviews.
Avoid Wall Holes All Together With Mounting Tape

The best offense is a good defense. Avoid repair your dry wall all together by mounting pictures, paintings, and anything else with Gorilla Tape’s mounting tape. Double sided and as strong as light weight screws this is my go to way of mounting. I know it’s hard to trust. So start with small picture frames then graduate your other heavy frames by putting lines of tape down the whole back of the frame. It’s great stuff!
Cheap Leather Repair To Save Your Expensive Furniture

Leather Couches, Chairs, and Ottermans are not cheap! However, when they start to show signs of aging they don’t look good either. I have a brown leather 3 seat couch that I love. There was one spot that really bothered me. I tried the leather tape repair. Hated it. I could see the patch. I tried the glue. But, I didn’t have the courage to do the sanding part they tell you to do. Then I found this leather repair kit. You can choose the color and layer it on. Some how it even gets that leather texture we all love. I don’t know how it works. I just know it does, and it does it the best.
Sanders Are Not Just For Carpenters

A lot of people think sanders are just for carpenters and construction workers. Not true! Take a quick look on YouTube and you’ll find hobbyist of every corner having a base set of tools that includes an Orbital Sander just like this one. Rescue or refresh your wooden furniture. Modernize it. Use it to get that ugly 1990’s brown color off your perfectly fine kitchen cabinets and repaint them. Use a softer paper and microfiber cover to buff out tiny nicks in your car paint. The uses are endless. A lot of fun projects can come from learning how to use this tool! Grab this one from Amazon!
Under The Sink Is Easier Than You Think

Most of the time warped, leaky, and old pipes under your sink are easily replaced by the one kit called a P-trap kit. This probably looks like a rigid pipe under your sink. Flexible piping can help with clogs and are not easily damaged by stuffing way to much in the sink cabinets. Pick up one of these kits, follow the insanely easy instructions in the package and save the call to the plumber!
Crazy Easy Leaky Faucet Trick

Most of the time a leaky faucet or shower head just needs a quick plumbers tape re-wrap! Seriously, this roll of flexible tape that normally cost just a couple bucks fixes most leaks. Just screw off the faucet. Unwrap the old tape, yuck, and apply the new one. Screw the faucet back in, might be tough, and you’re good to go.
King Of Plungers

Don’t let its toy like look fool you. This is by far the most powerful and dependable plunger. It comes in a bunch of color options to fit your style and bathroom theme. Ours changes every season. This is the only plunger I buy and it’s one of the cheapest options. Grab one for each bathroom!
Tub & Toilet Savior Kit

I used to think if something happened to the tub or toilet you had to deal with it or replace the whole thing. Replacing the whole thing is a nightmare. It’s expensive, and you have to know the right measurements or you risk leaks and heavy water damage. Turns out that is not true at all! I found a porcelain repair kit that patches holes, cracks, and chips! With simple to follow instructions you don’t have to be embarrassed about your bathroom anymore. Or, like me, pick up a kit just in case.
Parents Favorite Tool

The scraper! I love this tiny cheap thing. My kids are in love with sour candy. If you know anything about the stuff it sticks to everything. If you’re not there when it hits the floor, wall, chair, table, or anything else. It’s a giant pain to get off. This scraper makes life some much easier. With replaceable blades I don’t have to worry about cleaning it either. Just straight to the trash. I’m currently at war with sour patches.
Try This Before Using A Snake Tool

This sink plunger is the same shape and design as the toilet plunger from earlier, but much smaller. This allows it to put larger pressure directly down your drain. I found this works 9 out of 10 times for the tub, kitchen, and bathroom sinks without ever having to use a snake tool. I have 3 girls in the house. You can image how much I use this!
Save Over $100 With This Snake Tool

When the sink plunger from 17 doesn’t work? It’s time to get down and dirty. Plumbers advertise they will un-clog almost any drain for $100! This cheap snake tool is almost always what clears the drain. Save a ton of money and just have one of these cheap snake tools on hand!
Next Level Coloring

I knew growing up all that coloring would pay off. These wood stain markers save the day when it comes to small nicks and scratches in your wood furniture. Pick your color, remember to color in the lines, and your furniture will look brand new without having to refurbish the whole thing! Love it. With 4 kids I use it often. Most of the time I make them do it. “Teaching responsibility and all.”
You Don’t Need A Stud Finder I’m Right Here

Kidding! In all seriousness a stud finder is the one tool you really should have. It’s one of those defensive moves. If you make sure you mount into a stud you won’t have to worry about repairs later. Most of the wall repairs come from trying to mount and hang items from the dry wall alone. This model in particular also warns of wires. This will save you a lot of headache, money, and possibly an ER bill.
Tile Rescue

This tile kit saves so much money and it’s so easy. Just like the porcelain repair kit, you can save your tile all by yourself. With no ripping up tile or trying to find replacements. Simple! I actually used this kit recently to repair a chip in my grey counter tops in the kitchen. Looks like nothing ever happened. Amazing!
Tool Box Tim Allen Would Be Proud Of

Everyone needs a tool kit. Especially if you plan to do your own repairs. You might have one already. But, this all in one tool kit in one very acceptable hard shell case has everything you could possibly need! Power drill, wrenches, screw drivers, hammer, and drill bits. The best part? The PRICE! You get everything for less than the usual price of a power drill alone. Grab one and be the King, or Queen, of your castle.