Why is my patio going green? The most common causes |

Why is my patio going green? The most common causes |

If your patio is placed in the shade, or you live in a region with high rainfall and humidity, you will likely encounter a green patio at some point. This problem is not only a major eyesore when you want to be sitting outdoors and enjoying your yard, but it can also a dangerous slipping hazard in wet weather.

Luckily, there are several ways to fix a green patio, from satisfying pressure washing to natural removal products like vinegar. All of them will require a little elbow grease to work properly, but it will be worth the effort. 

Once your patio is clean again, be sure to implement some preventative measures to keep it pristine year-round.

moss on patio

Green growth can accumulate on patios in shady spots or after prolonged periods of wet weather

(Image credit: Zigzag Mountain Art/Alamy Stock Photo)

Why is my patio going green?